
Journaling – Digital or Paper? Which is Better?
The answer might surprise you and there are a few caveats you’ll want to consider.

Is Keeping A Paper Diary Actually Better For Your Brain?
Are digital diarists missing out on some of the key benefits of longhand journaling?

Gratitude Journaling Sucks? Try This.
When your gratitude practice starts to feel rote or repetitive, here’s what to do.

How to Journal When You Don’t Feel Like It
Is consistency even as important as they say it is?

F*ck This Manifesto
Introducing the weirdest and most politically incorrect journaling exercise on the internet

11 Things To Do With Partially Used, Abandoned Journals and Notebooks
What if we tossed the guilt and found a way to embrace our incompletions?

Why Does Gratitude Journaling Work?
What exactly happens to your brain when you intentionally list things you’re grateful for?